Best-Selling Products on Etsy SeedGeeks
Rank | Product | Price | Total Sales |
1 |
1.90 |
7,433 |
2 |
6.95 |
6,748 |
3 |
6.50 |
6,547 |
4 |
1.90 |
3,481 |
5 |
1.90 |
3,089 |
Trending Items in the Last 30 Days on Etsy SeedGeeks
Rank | Product | Price | Monthly Sales |
1 |
17.95 |
152 |
2 |
1.90 |
52 |
3 |
1.90 |
36 |
4 |
6.95 |
36 |
Most Popular Keywords for Etsy SeedGeeks
Tag | Frequency | Views | Competition | Total Sales |
easy to grow |
33 |
3,323,578 |
11,436 |
2,375 |
organic gardening |
34 |
2,777,164 |
36,070 |
120,030 |
rare seeds |
62 |
3,347,664 |
19,031 |
221,110 |
seeds |
31 |
3,663,455 |
556,583 |
235,906 |
heirloom seeds |
73 |
4,529,200 |
28,589 |
1,197 |
flower seeds |
30 |
2,516,293 |
89,567 |
171,369 |
organic seeds |
49 |
2,989,645 |
36,523 |
197,799 |
garden seeds |
37 |
2,556,389 |
50,100 |
719 |
seedgeeks |
68 |
388,834 |
1,007 |
40,892 |
seed packets |
37 |
3,921,494 |
13,962 |
178,714 |
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