How to Become a Etsy Star Seller and Why It Matters

If you have an Etsy seller account, you may be wondering what the Etsy Star Seller program is and how it can benefit you. In this article, we will explain how the Etsy Star Seller program works, how you can qualify for it, and what are the advantages of being a Etsy Star Seller.

What is Etsy Star Seller and How to Earn It?

Etsy Star Seller is a program that recognizes and rewards Etsy sellers who consistently provide excellent customer service to their buyers. It is a way for sellers to show off their customer service skills and stand out from the crowd.

What is the Star Seller Program?

According to Etsy, the Star Seller program is “a way to recognize and reward Etsy sellers who consistently provide an excellent customer experience.” The program was launched in September 2021 and is based on five areas related to delivering great customer service: message response rate, on-time shipping and tracking, ratings average, orders, and sales.
Sellers who meet the criteria for all five areas over a period of three months will receive a Star Seller badge that will appear on their shop homepage and listings. They will also have more chances to be featured in Etsy’s marketing campaigns and potentially attract more buyers.
Sellers who meet the criteria for some but not all of the areas will receive individual customer service badges for message response rate, on-time shipping, and ratings average. These badges will also appear on their shop homepage and listings.

How to Qualify for the Star Seller Badge?

To qualify for the Star Seller badge, sellers must meet the following criteria based on the last three months of their shop data:
Message response rate: 95% or more of first messages in a thread are responded to within 24 hours. This stat is only considered if you receive new messages during the review period.

  • On-time shipping and tracking: 95% or more of orders ship on time with tracking or with a shipping label purchased on Etsy.
  • Ratings average: Your average rating is 4.8 or higher.
  • Orders: You have at least 5 orders during the review period.
  • Sales: You have at least $300 in sales during the review period.

You also need to have been on Etsy’s platform for 90 days since your first sale and comply with applicable policies, such as the Seller Policy and the Terms of Use.
Etsy will evaluate your shop’s eligibility for the Star Seller badge on the first of every month. It may take up to 24 hours for your badge to appear on your shop and Star Seller dashboard. The review period will look at the last three months of data prior to the review date.

What are the Benefits of Being a Etsy Star Seller?

Being a Etsy Star Seller comes with several benefits that can help you grow your business and reach more customers. Some of these benefits are:

  • STAR SELLER BADGE: The Star Seller badge is a visual indicator that shows buyers that you consistently provide an excellent customer experience. It can help you build trust and credibility with potential customers and increase your conversion rate.
  • MORE CHANCES TO BE FEATURED: Etsy will highlight some Star Sellers in their marketing campaigns to buyers, such as emails, social media posts, and ads. This can help you gain more exposure and visibility for your shop and products.
  • OPPORTUNITY FOR INCREASED SALES: According to Etsy, Star Sellers made more in sales and got more listing views, on average, than similar non-Star Sellers.This suggests that being a Star Seller can have a positive impact on your shop’s performance and revenue.

Tips and Tricks to Help You Meet the Star Seller Criteria

Meeting the Star Seller criteria may seem challenging at first, but there are some tips and tricks that can help you achieve them. Here are some of them:

  • For message response rate, you can use features like auto-reply and saved replies to respond to common questions quickly and efficiently. You can also set your shop’s working hours and vacation mode to let buyers know when you are available or away.
  • For on-time shipping and tracking, you can set realistic processing times for your products and update them if needed. You can also purchase shipping labels on Etsy or use a third-party service that provides tracking information. You can also communicate with your buyers about any shipping delays or issues.
  • For ratings average, you can provide accurate product descriptions and photos, use quality materials and packaging, offer free or discounted shipping, include thank-you notes or coupons, and ask for feedback politely. You can also respond to negative reviews professionally and try to resolve any problems.
  • For orders and sales, you can optimize your listings for search engine optimization (SEO), use keywords and tags that match your products and target audience, offer promotions or discounts, create seasonal or themed collections, join social media groups or forums related to your niche, and network with other sellers.


Etsy Star Seller is a program that rewards sellers who provide excellent customer service to their buyers. It can help you showcase your customer service skills, stand out from the crowd, and grow your business. You can use various tips and tricks to help you meet these criteria and become a Etsy Star Seller.

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