Guide to choice etsy shop name – get shop name ideas efficiently

Choosing a good name for your Etsy shop is an important step to build a strong brand and attract customers. A good name can help you stand out from the crowd, communicate your style and products, and create a memorable impression. But how do you come up with a good name for your Etsy shop? And what if you want to change your existing name? In this guide, we will show you some tips and examples on how to choose and change your Etsy shop name.

Why Choose a Good Name for Your Etsy Shop

On a creative and competitive platform like Etsy, choosing a good name for your shop is crucial. A good name can bring the following benefits:

  • The shop name is the first impression that can attract customers' attention and interest. When customers browse products on Etsy, they come across various shop names. A good name can quickly make your shop stand out among the multitude of choices, picking customers' curiosity and interest, prompting them to click and explore your shop for more information. A good name can leave a lasting and positive impression on customers, enhancing your shop's appeal and trustworthiness.
  • The shop name serves as the brand identity, reflecting the shop's style and characteristics. A good name is not just a simple label; it represents a meaningful and storytelling brand identity. It showcases your shop's style and characteristics, conveys its values and principles, and highlights its uniqueness and features. A good name enables customers to have a deeper and comprehensive understanding of your shop, establishing its brand image and reputation, increasing loyalty and word-of-mouth.
  • The shop name acts as a search keyword, increasing exposure and traffic. A good name can also serve as a search keyword for your shop, helping to improve its ranking and visibility on Etsy. When customers search for products on Etsy, they enter relevant keywords. If your shop name includes or relates to those keywords, there is a greater chance for your shop to appear in their search results. This enables more potential customers to discover your shop, boosting its traffic and sales.

In conclusion, choosing a good name for your shop is necessary and beneficial. The next chapter will provide detailed guidance on how to choose a good name for your shop,you can choice your self etsy shop name ideas.

How to Choose a Good Name for An Etsy Shop Name Ideas

  • Determine the theme and positioning of your shop, select relevant vocabulary. You need to first clarify what type of products you want to sell on Etsy, such as handmade crafts, vintage items, custom gifts, etc., and the message you want to convey, such as elegance, cuteness, fun, professionalism, etc. Then, based on your theme and positioning,create a list of relevant vocabulary, including adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. For example, if your shop primarily sells handmade wooden jewelry, you can choose vocabulary related to wood, craftsmanship, and jewelry, such as "Wooden," "Crafty," "Decor," etc.
  • Create a unique and meaningful combination, avoid common or repetitive names. You can try combining the vocabulary you listed to create a name that reflects your shop's characteristics and attracts attention. Employ creative methods such as homophonic words, spelling variations, abbreviations, puns, etc. For example, if you want to use "Wooden" and "Decor" to name your shop, you can create combinations like "Wooden Decor" or "Woodor." At the same time, avoid using overly common or repetitive names like "Handmade by XXX," "XXX Crafts," "XXX Designs," as they make your shop appear lacking in creativity and individuality, and can easily be confused with other sellers.
  • Check the availability and legality of the name, avoid using registered or infringing names. Once you have identified a candidate name, you need to check if it is already in use by other sellers or trademarked. Search for the name on Etsy to see if there are identical or similar shops. If there are, you may need to choose a different name or make modifications. Additionally, ensure that the name does not infringe any trademark or copyright, as it could pose legal risks. You can search online trademark databases or copyright websites to check for conflicting registrations or applications.
  • Test the effectiveness and feedback of the name, seek opinions from target customers or peers. Lastly, you can test the selected name to see if it achieves the desired effects and feedback. Ask potential customers or peers for their opinions on the name, such as whether they understand, remember, like, or trust it. You can also post your name on social media platforms or forums to gauge people's interest and spark discussions. Through these methods, you can gather useful insights and suggestions to further refine your shop's name.

Examples of Successful Etsy Shop Names

In the previous three chapters, we have learned why it is important to choose a good name for your store and the characteristics a good name should possess. So, on the actual Etsy platform, which store names are worth learning from and drawing inspiration? In this chapter, we will introduce several popular and high-selling stores on Etsy and analyze the advantages and features of their names.


PlannerKate1 is a store that specializes in selling planners and stickers. It is one of the most popular stores on Etsy, with over 1 million sales and nearly 300,000 positive reviews. Its name is straightforward and simple, composed of two parts: Planner and Kate. Planner refers to its main product, which is planners, making it clear to customers what the store sells. Kate is the name of the seller, which creates a sense of familiarity and trust, as well as showcasing the seller's confidence and responsibility in their own products. The number 1 indicates that the store is the first or the best, adding uniqueness and memorability. Overall, this name prominently highlights the product and the seller, aligning with the style and atmosphere of the Etsy platform.


Beadboat1 is a store that focuses on selling beads and jewelry accessories. It is also a highly popular store on Etsy, with over 500,000 sales and nearly 200,000 positive reviews. Its name is imaginative and consists of two parts: Bead and boat. Bead refers to its main product, which is beads, clearly indicating what the store sells. Boat symbolizes a vessel, vividly portraying the wide variety and quantity of beads available in the store, like a boat filled with beads. The number 1 again signifies that the store is the first or the best, adding uniqueness and memorability. Overall, this name is lively and interesting, aligning with the handmade and original characteristics of the Etsy platform.


ModParty is a store that specializes in selling party supplies and gifts. It is also a highly popular store on Etsy, with over 400,000 sales and nearly 150,000 positive reviews. Its name is trendy and fun, composed of two parts: Mod and Party. Mod refers to fashion, modernity, and trendy concepts, giving customers the impression that the store offers novel and fashionable products. Party refers to parties and gatherings, indicating the primary type of products the store sells, and associating them with joy and happiness. In summary, this name attracts the attention and interest of young people, aligning with the diverse and creative atmosphere of the Etsy platform.


SweetVintageDesignCo is a store that focuses on selling vintage-style designs and home decor items. It is also a highly regarded store on Etsy, with over 300,000 sales and nearly 100,000 positive reviews. This name has several advantages: firstly, it uses the adjective "Sweet" to express sweetness, cuteness, and charm, which resonates with the vintage-style products, giving a warm and pleasant feeling. Secondly, it combines the words "Vintage" and "Design" to clearly indicate the store's theme and product type. Lastly, the addition of "Co" implies a company, giving a sense of professionalism and formality. Overall, this name is appealing, clear, and professional, able to attract the target audience and showcase the store's unique characteristics and style.


TheCraftySparrow is a store that specializes in selling handmade crafts and creative DIY materials. It is also a highly anticipated store on Etsy, with over 200,000 sales and nearly 80,000 positive reviews. The

strength of this name lies in the combination of several keywords: Crafty represents craftsmanship and dexterity, aligning with the attributes of handmade crafts; Sparrow refers to the bird, traditionally seen as a symbol of intelligence, agility, and creativity, which resonates with the theme of creative DIY. In summary, this name is poetic and whimsical, able to attract the attention of craft enthusiasts and DIY hobbyists, showcasing the store's uniqueness and creativity.

These are a few examples of successful store names on Etsy. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. By highlighting product features, personalizing the name, and creating associative imagery, they have successfully attracted their target audience and established a brand image. When choosing and naming your own store, you can draw inspiration from these examples and combine them with your own creativity and style to create a unique and appealing store name. Remember, a good store name not only attracts more potential customers but also enhances the store's visibility and reputation, laying a solid foundation for business growth.

How to changing etsy shop name

  1. Log in to your Etsy account, click on “You” in the top right corner, and then select “Shop Manager”.
  2. In the left menu bar, click on “Settings”, and then select “Info and Appearance”.
  3. In the “Shop Name” section, click on the “Change” button.
  4. Enter your new shop name, and then click on the “Check Availability” button to see if there are any duplicate shops.
  5. If your new shop name is available, click on the “Save” button to complete the change.
    Things to note:
    ● Your shop name cannot contain any spaces or special characters, and it can be up to 20 characters long.
    ● You can use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, or similar characters to separate words or add emphasis. For example: LittleRoseShopCo, 4EverLove, S3cretGarden, etc.
    ● You should include some SEO-friendly keywords or phrases in your shop name, which can improve your search ranking and exposure. For example: if you sell handmade soap, you can use HandmadeSoap, NaturalSoap, OrganicSoap, etc. as your shop name or part of it.
    ● You can only change your shop name five times in a year, so choose carefully.
    ● It may take some time for your new shop name to appear in search results after you change it.

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