Etsy Google Analytics: Monitor Your Shop to Boost Sales

Etsy Google Analytics is an amazing source to learn more about your Etsy shop.

You might notice that Etsy does provide stats for sellers to refer to, then why bother connecting Etsy to Google Analytics? 

This article will show why is Google Analytics helpful to Etsy sellers, along with step-to-step instructions for connecting Google Analytics.

Table of Contents

Etsy Google Analytics V.S. Etsy Shop Manager

Let's Start with Etsy Shop Statistics You Should Track

In Etsy business, it is easy to get lost in the stats. Sellers get such an amount of potential indicators to track and measure and if they can’t figure out the most relevant metrics to their business, looking at them will just cause more frustrations and confusion and will not make help to improve the business.

Therefore, we shall define the key metrics that Etsy sellers need to track before we go any further.

Number of Views/Visits

The number of views/visits is the first metric we need to look at. It is a macro stat to show overall how well your shop is doing right now.

Conversion Rate

However, the number of views/visits is not the only metric you rely on. In fact, most sellers care more about the conversion rate. Conversion rate, or conversion ratio, is defined as “views to orders”

Conversion Rate = (number of orders)/(number of visits)

 It gives more nuanced information about your shop. Let’s say you got 1,000 views last year and two sales, and you got 500 views this year and two sales. Your conversion rate is higher this year even though the views are less than last year, which means more of your items are selling per view.

Traffic Sources

Finding out where you got most of your traffic from is by looking at traffic sources. You get to learn about which of your landing page brings in more traffic than others and discover untapped traffic potential.

For instance, if you saw a blog driving traffic to your blog, you might want to reach out to them and see how they featured you. 

Number of Visits To Make A Sale

The number of visits to make a sale is related to the conversion rate. It is the ratio between the number of visits and the number of sales

Number of Visits to Make A Sale = (number of visits)/(number of orders)

The number we got from the equation tells us that theoretically, how many visits I need in order to make a sale.

Revenue Per Order

Revenue per order = (revenue)/(number of orders)

This is a simple indicator to help you figure out the number of orders for a specific item in order to achieve the revenue goal.

Pros of using Etsy Shop Manager

Etsy Shop Manager provides the most accurate stats information of the followings:

  • Overall stats: visits, orders, conversion rate, and revenue
  • Performance of individual listings. You can see which listings are viewed and sold most frequently, along with the revenue generated from each listing during the time period
  • Listing-level data for sold, expired, and draft listings
  • Internal and external traffic sources that brought visitors to your shop
  • Ads metrics using Etsy ads to promote your products on Etsy

How can Etsy sellers get the most use of the stats?

  • Etsy refreshes the visit data a few times per day. Etsy does this to filter out bot traffic and shows the number of actual shoppers that visit your shop
  • Sellers can find the search terms that shoppers used to find their shop by clicking “Etsy Search” under “How Shopper Found You”

Pros of Using Etsy Google Analytics

Etsy Google Analytics gives additional information

  • Data trend. Not only get to see how many people are in the shop in real-time but also historical data. It is easier to notice a data pattern. For instance, you might notice a seasonal pattern from Google Analytics to help you get prepared for the holiday sales
  • Visitors profiling. You get access to the profile of your visitors. Google Analytics shows you the geographical distribution, age range, gender proportion, and other demographical information

Knowing the demographics of your visitors is going to help you figure out if you are targeting the right group of people, in other words, your potential buyers.

  • Types of devices used. Google Analytics shows the types of devices (mobile v.s. desktop) used to access your shop.

Etsy Google Analytics provides more insightful information on visitors’ behaviors. More specifically, it tells you what pages people visit and what actions they take while visiting.

  • Behavior overview report. It shows the amount of traffic your shop receives and other metrics. You can find page views, unique page views, and average time on pages from the report
Etsy Google Analytics allows sellers get access to overall stats
  • Behavior flow. You can see the path visitors commonly take on your shop—from the first page they view to the last page they visit before leaving your site
  • Best Content. You can see your top content along with the average amount of revenue each page generates. This report helps you determine what content performs best on your website to know which is your best landing page and which landing pages need SEO optimization
  • Exit Pages. The Exit Pages report shows the last pages people visit before exiting your shop. You may want to see how you can improve these pages for better retention
  • The Source/Medium report. It shows traffic driven from social platforms such as Pinterest, Medium, or Twitter. Click on the secondary dimension to see the top pages where each source lands on
  • Keyword report. You can find the keyword report and track which keywords’ performance in a given time period. You can see which keywords bring more traffic. It really helps you when it comes to improving your shop’s SEO

Tips: Google Analytics is going to be expired on July 1st, 2023. Google Analytics 4 is replacing Universal Analytics. However, Etsy doesn’t support Google Analytics 4 at this point.  What should Etsy sellers do?

  • Set up a Universal Analytics property for your Etsy shop and pattern shop
  • If you already have a Universal Analytics property, add a Google Analytics 4 property to your existing setup. When you click GA4 Setup Assistant, you create a Google Analytics 4 property that collects data alongside your existing Universal Analytics property
  • You still have the access to Universal Analytics before it gets expired. Make the best use of it

A sum-up of the benefits of using Google Analytics for Etsy

  • A good complementary source of getting additional metrics
  • Get more insights into visitors’ behavior/footprints
  • Know what brings traffic to your shop

Knowing this information helps you to improve SEO, lower bounce rates, and increase sales.

How to Set Up Google Analytics for Etsy Shops and Pattern Sites?

Add Etsy Shop to Google Analytics

First and foremost, you need to have a Google account

If you have used Google products, like Gmail, Youtube, or Google Docs, then you already had a Google account.

If you haven’t had one, you need to create a Google account.

  • Go to, and create a new account

Create your Google Analytics account

  • Go to
  • Log in with your Google account
  • Set up your account name to your shop name
  • Create a new Property within your Google Analytics account
  • Find “Admin” in the left column
  • Select your account from the dropdown
  • Click “Create Property” at the top of the middle column
  • Set up details of the Property
  1. Name of property = e.g. Your shop name
  2. Reporting time zone = select the timezone based on your location
  3. Currency
  4. Click to “Show Advanced Options”
  5. Turn on the  Universal Analytics Property
  6. Enter the URL of the Etsy home page =
  7. Select “Create a Universal Analytics Property only” for this moment. You can always create a new account for Google Analytics 4 if Etsy supported that
  • Agree to the terms of services. Remember to select the country you are located and tick all the necessary boxes
  • Then, you will arrive on the “Tracking Code” page. Copy the letters and numbers under the heading “Tracking ID”

Connect Google Analytics to Etsy Shop

  • Log in to Etsy and open Shop Manager > Settings > Options > Web Analytics
  • Paste your tracking ID, including the letters “UA”, in the box under the heading “Web Property ID”, and hit “Save”
Etsy Google Analytics: find Web Property ID in Etsy Shop Manager

Finally, check if it is working

Usually, it takes up to 2 to 3 hours to get Etsy connected to Google Analytics. Then you can test your connection.

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