How Long Does Etsy Take to Ship? Etsy Shipping Process
The "shipping process" is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of selling products on Etsy. No matter how good an Etsy seller's products are, if they don't have a good shipping strategy, it will be difficult for them to achieve the desired level of customer satisfaction.
So, how long does Etsy take to ship a product ready to be delivered? What problems should you expect to experience during the shipping process? How should you define your time-bound strategy?
In the article, we will cover all Etsy shipping processes. Let's first take a look at where Etsy delivers shipments.
You can get a quick overview of the section you are interested in by clicking on the following table of contents.
Where Does Etsy Ship From?
Although many experienced Etsy sellers get familiar with the whole shipping process, it would be better to explain it in detail for newbie Etsy sellers who just started an Etsy shop. Because sellers should discover the story to understand how long does Etsy takes to ship?
The main conclusion you need to draw from the short explanation here is that Etsy is a “marketplace”. Hence, Etsy can't ship. Sellers ship products. Since the products are customized and wholly original, the products can't be shipped from one place.
To summarize, the shipping process planned for a product sent by the seller to the customer is entirely the seller's responsibility. This is explained in detail in Etsy's "Shipping Policy" section. In this small guide, you can find answers to all kinds of "ship" questions you are looking for.
💡Pro Tip: There are many details on the Etsy shipping process. Therefore, it is very useful to analyze Etsy Seller Handbook deeply to find an answer to how long does it take for Etsy to ship and all other related questions.
Discover Etsy Shipping Process
If you are worried about how the Etsy shipping process will work as an Etsy seller or want to know how long does it take to ship on Etsy then this part of the article is for you.
Although Etsy has certain limitations and rules, in general, the seller is the first to contact in case of problems related to the shipping process of the product.
What is the Etsy Estimated Delivery Date?
There are several different conditions that change the Etsy estimated delivery date. It is also possible to explain this as the formula below. Processing time, transit time and today’s date are the main variables of the formula. Let’s see the correlation between them;
Estimated Delivery Date= Processing time + Transit time + 1 day |
Here is a good example that explains how long does it take to ship for Etsy:
An Etsy seller received an order and the processing time is set as 3-5 days. On the other hand, transit time seems to be approximately 4-6 days. Then the Estimated Delivery Date can be explained as 7-11 days. The value “+1” in the formula is used to indicate that it refers to the 7-11 days after today.
📦 💡 If the Etsy seller marks the order as “shipped” earlier than the expected date, this time will be recalculated.
Do you get confused about “How Long Does Etsy Take to Ship”? Then you should keep reading.
What is Processing time on Etsy?
It is described in Etsy Seller Handbook as:
“The processing time is the length of time the shop needs to get an order ready to ship, or the length of time between when you place an order and when the shop ships your order”
If this order is a customized order, then the preparation period will be added to the processing time. Thus, the Etsy shipping process takes a little longer for custom orders. The customization period may vary according to items to be prepared. Therefore, the Etsy seller should disclose this on the Etsy shop.
⚠️ If an Etsy seller changes the processing time, the customer should be informed about it.
What is Etsy Carrier transit time?
Carrier transit time can be explained as the time it takes for the courier company to move your product from you to your customer. The shorter this period, the better customer satisfaction you will have. This will be the paramount factor that determines How long does it take for things from Etsy to arrive?
Isn't it annoying that not everything depends on you? Let it be. You can plan everything most beautifully!
How to Set Up Estimated Delivery Dates on Etsy?
On Etsy, it is not possible for a package delivered within the estimated date range to be considered a "late delivery" and associated with the seller. If you have proof that you are running things right, be comfortable and start communicating correctly with your customer.
Before that, be sure about how to set the Estimated Delivery Date. Then follow the steps below;
- Log in to
- Tab Shop Manager.
- Click Settings.
- Go to Shipping settings.
- Click Shipping profiles.
- Click Create Profile (or Edit an existing one).
If you are in the United States or Canada: Next to Postage prices, you should go to I’ll enter fixed costs manually or Calculate them for me option. (No need to do anything if you are not in the United States or Canada).
- Click the Dispatch origin and the Processing time.
- If you are in the United States: You should add your postcode in the Origin postcode.
- In the Fixed postage prices part, choose your preferred or most used Shipping carrier and Mail class.
- Below What you’ll charge part, select whether to offer Free delivery or set up a Fixed price yourself.
- Select Create profile.
When you define these steps completely, it means that you have set the estimated delivery date without any problems. Then your customers will be informed of how long does it take for Etsy seller to ship.
How to Set Etsy Processing Times?
Information such as processing times, estimated shipping times, etc. allows your customers to have more information about the goods they purchase and to receive service in a safer environment.
We just reviewed the Estimated time. But what about the Etsy Processing time? Let’s forward one more step to discover How Long Does Etsy Takes to Ship?
To set the processing time for a delivery profile:
- Log in to
- Navigate Shop Manager >Settings > Shipping Settings > Shipping Profiles
- Go to Create Profile or choose a shipping profile you want to update.
- Fill the shipping profile.
Choose your Processing time from the dropdown. You can select a processing time between 1 business day and 10 weeks.
- Go to Create profile.
Next, you can choose this delivery profile for your listings:
- In Shop Manager, go to Listings.
- Find the listing you want to change, or create a new listing.
- Go to the gear icon and click Edit.
- Go to the Delivery section.
- Select the delivery profile with the correct processing time.
- Lastly, Publish.
You can edit the processing time for an item using these same steps.
If these steps are accomplished, you created a great clue for customers to understand how long does it take to ship for Etsy. it's time to see how to see the status of a shipped product/order. Continue!
How to see your shipped orders on Etsy?
Checking the status of shipped orders is ten times more important to customers than you. They want to control if there is any problem with a product they purchased. Thus, you have to make sure that this works without any issues.
They always ask how long does Etsy take to ship. So, how should you guide your customer when he wants to know where his shipped order is? You may want to remember the following steps.
Your customer needs to click on the "Purchases and Reviews" section after logging into their Etsy account. After finding the relevant order, click on the order detail. At this point, you can view the current process related to the shipped order.
Here you will see multiple options. What these options mean can be guessed, but it will be necessary to explain them clearly.
- Not shipped: This means that the seller has not yet shipped the purchased item.
- Shipped: It means that the seller has shipped the purchased item and marked it as “shipped” in the system.
- In transit: This means that the purchased item is currently shipping and on its way to being delivered to you.
😀 From now on, they won't ask how long do you take to ship for Etsy orders?
7 Tips for Running a Successful Shipping Process on Etsy
Some steps need to be taken into account and followed during the shipping process for a seller.
Accurate Shipping Address
Providing the correct “shipping address” is very important. Your potential customers should know where these precious products they buy will come from. This builds confidence in you and is a necessity.
Specify the Shipping Cost
You should specify the shipping cost of your products and the average delivery time of your cargo in clear sentences. You must provide the answer to the question “How long does it take Etsy to ship” in the description of your listed product.
Arrange the Shipping Date for Special Conditions
Let's say you sold one of your listed products. You must ship this product as soon as possible after making the sale. If there is no particular circumstance (customers may want to ship on a specific date for special days, etc.), when you sell a product, you agree to ship that product within 30 days.
The sooner you ship, the better. If you are having a problem with the process, you should talk to the customer about it and get his approval regarding a possible delay. Otherwise, the situation may become more problematic.
💡 Sometimes, getting communicating with customers may bother you if you forgot to respond to their questions. At this time, EtsyHunt Reviews Management runs for help. You do not need to worry about answering the client's question since the Follow-Up reminder will inform you. Besides, you can send predefined messages to your customer.
Review and Obey the Regulations
You must strictly comply with all local/local shipping and customs regulations regarding shipping processes. If you have difficulty finding these regulations or examining them, you can review the guides prepared by Etsy. This will give you extra benefits.
Deliver the Order to the Correct Address
Be careful and double-check the address that you will deliver your purchased item. Otherwise, you will always hear where my order is and how long does it take to ship for an Etsy order?
If there is an unclear thing about the client's address, do not hesitate to ask them to make it crystal clear.
Mark as “Order Shipped”
After sending the order, mark it as "order shipped" so that your customer can easily "track" it. This helps your customer keep track of the product they purchased.
Charge Appropriate Fee
You should charge an appropriate fee for shipping. The cost must be set reasonably. Providing service with "Calculated Shipping" will be the right solution for both you and your customer's satisfaction.
In order to determine the proper Fee, you can analyze similar Etsy stores by EtsyHunt Shop Analyzer. Let’s say your Etsy Store warehouse is located in Canada. So, you can list all Canadian Etsy stores by selecting from the Country drop-down menu. Whatsmore, you can specify the filter with Category.
Final Words
As you can see, “How Long Does Etsy Take to Ship?” is not a question that can be dealt with alone and the answer is not that simple. From the first moment the Etsy seller receives the order to the moment when the customer receives the product purchased, there are a series of processes that follow each other.
Throughout the article, we encountered some concepts that could be considered important. These are;
- Calculated Shipping
- Estimated Delivery Date
- Processing Time
- Shipping Process and more.
While experienced Etsy sellers are well-versed in these concepts, sellers new to Etsy should learn them as soon as possible. Satisfying a customer is undoubtedly possible with a fast and high quality shipping process. This will lead you to have a good conversion rate on Etsy.
FAQs about How Long Does Etsy Take to Ship?
How does shipping on Etsy work?
In Etsy, the shipping process is directly under the responsibility of the Etsy seller. Since the products are customized, it is impossible to ship from a single center. On the other hand, the Estimated Delivery Date can be calculated using the formula “processing time+transit time+1 days”.
Do Etsy sellers pay for shipping?
It is up to you. You should determine your marketing strategy. If you offer free shipping, consider the fee when calculating your profit. The fee may vary depending on the shipping company and shipping method agreed by the Etsy seller.
Why is my Etsy order taking so long?
As it is known, orders on Etsy are usually shipped within 3 days. In some cases, this period may be longer. Customers who purchase customized products may take longer to customize their products, which may take longer than average. If there is still a problem with this, the customer can contact the Etsy seller to get information about the delivery process of the product.